October 2011

We hope that everyone is enjoying the fall season. While the golf course is now closed, we are as busy as ever performing work on the golf course with both routine maintenance and some extra projects on the golf course.

A few of the projects that will be noticeable to the golfing public next season will be the addition of a new white tee on 3 as well as a white tee enlargement on 7. These two tees in particular have taken a beating from heavy wear in past years and the additional teeing area should help us to avoid this in the future. In addition, the new tee on 3 offers a different angle and overall feel of the hole that should be of interest in coming years.

Vince 78

View from new tee on Hole 3 (note cover on green)

Projected opening August 2012

Vince 79

Enlargement of 7 white tee

Projected opening June 2012

As of the writing of this article, all greens covers are in place and most of our winter preparation work is complete. Winters in this area are long and harsh but we are confident that the steps we take now help us to present a product in the spring that should make everyone happy.

We wish everyone a very nice off-season and we hope to see you after we open in 2012.


Vincent Dodge
