February 2017

Winter is actually the one season of the year where I have some time and energy to watch movies. As I was flicking through Netflix, I noticed CaddyShack (the original) on the menu and since I am always up for a good laugh, I watched it for what must have been the 10th time in my life. Good humor but the movie reminded me of an old slide I saw at a Superintendents’ conference a few years ago:

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Note Carl Spackler aka Bill Murray in the upper right of the photo. Sadly, I think that some people both inside and outside of the industry continue to hold onto these stereotypes regarding our profession-even while many strive to improve or at least maintain our standards of professionalism.

One such effort to stay sharp on the latest technologies and trends in the industry is the GCSAA Conference and Show that is held every year in the month of February. The GCSAA Show (I attended my first one in San Francisco in 1995), gives us the opportunity to stay current with the latest developments in everything that affects our profession, including but not limited to: human resources and staff management, financial controls and management, compliance to government regulations (particularly in regards to the environment), agronomy, turf maintenance equipment, and golf course construction/renovation. Note that the agronomy i.e. “grass growing” part of the equation is a small, albeit important, part of what is required to be effective at this craft. My plan next week when I attend the Show is to attend classes for two days and walk the trade show on the third day. Not only will this education help to ensure that we continue to present the best possible conditions to our customers, but also participation in this opportunity helps the entire industry advance in its ability to meet the challenges of the future.

Stay warm everyone and hope to see you all soon,

Vincent Dodge
